Sunday 17 January 2010

Anyone for a Rummage?

This month our double award winning window has taken a downward turn and taken on the 'tatty jumble sale' look.

Where there are usually oodles of quirky knits there are just boxes of wool.

Even the comfy sofa has been downgraded to jumble style wool display.

Needless to say there are several bargains to be had and well worth a good old fashioned rummage.

But, we have not given up on our dear old window and are both knitting like mad for the next display which is coming very soon, here is a preview of the half finished project I am working on....

Any ideas?


  1. OOOooo a yarn sale.
    May have to make a visit:-)

  2. Hi Maxine

    Thanks for missing me at the Flea!! Have decided I can't do it all, and whilst I shall be there in February I have decided that will be my last one (for a while, at any rate). There are just too many other things I need to concentrate on, not least the DH textile event, and much as I love doing the Flea I'm afraid that's the one that has had to be shelved.

    So, hope to see you at Shepton on 28 February, but if not then I do hope you'll be able to get across to Dairy House on 11 April. It has the makings of a great day.

    Sue x

  3. Hi Maxine

    Thanks so much for your blog comment - so nice of you to pop in and say hi! Just read through your blog and Marmalade adventures - how is the shop going?
    Will have to pop in next time I'm in Frome and say hello!


  4. ooh, lovely - my "Somerset knitters" could do with some of these!
