Saturday, 18 September 2010

Frome Show

Well, it is over a week since we packed up our Hummingbird and Mini mochi and took it for an outing to Frome Cheese Show.

We arrived (very) early and set up before the crowds. I had delivered the dresser the day before then had a flat tyre on the way home, but that is another story.
We tried to make our pitch look homely and lots of admiring customers, both new and well loved regulars came for a chat.

Our friend Eileen opened the shop which meant we could both be at the show all day. This gave us some opportunity to browse but instead of photos of the AMAZING knitted handicraft entries, I have a picture of veg, just as amazing and very colourful.
We had a lovely day and we learnt a lot, next year we will know what we are doing and I might remember to take some photos.
As if organising the Cheese Show wasn't enough, we have revamped the front of the shop. The couch has a new and we think, more useful position. Our customers now stagger in the door and flop gratefully straight onto it.
We had a trip to Ikea, Maxine has been painting and papering, I built furniture and we spent a day moving things. Now although slightly disorientated, we love the change. More photos soon...